Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Reading Pile

Hi gang, here's an update on my Black Library reading pile! From top to bottom I have:

Lorgar: Bearer of the Word, book five in the Primarchs series. I have finished reading this one and moved on to...

Fulgrim: The Palatine Phoenix. I will be reviewing this one not just for the blog but also as part of a monthly book review event put together by the manager of my local Warhammer store. Keep an eye out for the link!

Moving out of 30K and into Warhammer Fantasy, I have The Rise of Nagash by Mike Lee and The Vampire Wars by Steven Saville. These are both part of the fantastic Warhammer Chronicles range, which collects classic series from Warhammer Fantasy into big, sexy omnibuses. I am thoroughly enjoying Rise of Nagash and have just started its second book, Nagash Unbroken. Once I am done with the history of the Tomb Kings I will turn my attention to the Vampires, giving myself a thorough education in the history of the Undead before jumping into...

Lords of the Dead, the first omnibus in the End Times series. The End Times chronicles nothing less than the fall and destruction of the Old World, the cataclysmic event that ended Games Workshop's oldest setting and cleared the stage for Age of Sigmar. Lords of the Dead is followed by Doom of the Elves, but before I read that I will be getting my hands on The Sundering, another Warhammer Chronicles omnibus to be released in February that covers the most formative event in Elven history, the split that created the High Elves and Dark Elves.

Lastly I have Ghost Warrior by Gav Thorpe. I prefer 30K to 40K as a rule, but the events of 8th Edition have shaken up the setting in new and fascinating ways and I am intrigued by the new Ynnari faction that Ghost Warrior is all about. Not sure when I'll be getting around to this one, but you can be sure you'll get a review when I do! 

That's all for now. I've got a whole swathe of reviews waiting in the pipeline, so check back soon!

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